Thursday, July 31, 2008

31 Weeks...Good News...and Start of Classes

Just heard from my OB's nurse.  All came back normal from yesterday's 3-hour glucose test.  Can you hear my sigh of relief?!  The test was not as bad as I expected, although I came away with four holes in my arm I would rather not have. :)

Not much else to report.  Things are moving right along.  I'm at 31 weeks now and continuing to grow.  The little one moves almost constantly now.  Last night in bed Eric and I watched her do some sort of flip or something.  My whole belly looked like waves in the ocean! It's getting easier to imagine her in there taking up so much room.  We did find out at our last appointment (on Monday) that she's head-down.  That means her feet are up and doing a lot of kicking where I can actually see it...but thankfully she's not made it up into my ribs yet.

On Monday we also started our series of classes at the hospital.  Women's Hospital here in Greensboro actually has a wonderful education center specifically for these classes.  Monday was the Infant CPR class.  It was good to feel prepared for protecting baby girl, but also neat to meet several other young couples who are expecting around the same time.  Next Monday evening begins 5 weeks of birthing classes.  I'll let you all know how those go.  Even though he won't admit it, I think Eric's nervous to watch the birthing video - so pray for him! :)  More coming soon...

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Teresa you look amazing!!! The classes were a lot of fun for Jason and I, so I hope you guys enjoy them as much as we did. Rub your belly for me! :)