Sunday, January 11, 2009

Go Panthers! (and Playing)

Emma was all ready for the big play-off game day on Saturday...making Daddy proud. Too bad it didn't help the Panthers pull off a win (thanks to Delhomme forgetting which team he played for).

And here she is playing with her new exersaucer that a friend gave us. I think she was thinking, "So many toys, so little time."

Monday, January 5, 2009

THREE Months Old! (And Cuter than Ever)

I might be a bit biased, but I think Emma is getting cuter with age. I honestly sometimes simply cannot stand how adorable my daughter is. Here are some recent photos now that she is THREE months old. Can you believe it?!

Emma loves watching her new mobile(s) she got for Christmas!

Pretty girl all dressed in her Sunday Best. This is one of my most favorite pictures:
Daddy and Emma love flying around:

Me and Emma out to lunch with friends recently:Here is "Big Girl" Emma sitting in her new Bumpo booster seat watching TV:

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Holy Family - Hee Hee

Here are are playing Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus at the Children's Christmas Pageant at church a few weeks ago.  Jesus was super cute as a baby, wasn't he?  :)