Monday, June 30, 2008

Our First Baby Shower

Today, my co-workers at the church threw us our first baby shower.  It was SO much fun!  We played a cute game of "guess the baby food" which had everyone guessing the flavors of jars of baby food that were missing their labels.  Then, as the guests of honor, Eric and I had to taste test each one to confirm the flavors...scary!  :)  HaHa.  Here's Eric doing some tasting.

We had a light lunch of yummy appetizers and fruit.  Perfect for a hot summer day.  The cake was made by a church member who owns her own bakery.  TOTALLY ADORABLE, and tasted even better than  it looked.  Take a look at the cute creation.  

We are so blessed to have such generous friends.  We received a bunch of great gifts to help us get the nursery started.  I got my Bobby - yeah!  We also got several blankets, our infant carrier (the kind that lets you "wear" the baby around), some cute rattles and toys, books, gift cards, the humidifier, and several other cute stuff.  I'm so lucky to be part of such a wonderful church family AND staff. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Away We GROW!

Baby girl and I are now at 25 weeks.  Oh, how times flies.  I realized it has been awhile since I took some pictures, so here are two for you (Belly Shots #5 to the right).  For fun, I included a shot from above - so you see what I see...NO FEET!  I am starting to feel like I'm getting a little bigger every day.  I actually had to do an old "heave ho" move the other morning to get out of bed.  Ha!  It's incredibly hard to believe that we only have around 15 weeks left.  Holy cow!  More to come, soon.  

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm Nesting!

We've all heard that mothers-to-be go through a "nesting" phase when they want to clean, organize, make things - generally prepare for the baby.  Well, I believe I'm there.  I'm going to admit something here that might be hard for some of you to believe (and not so hard for others), but I can tend to be somewhat of a procrastinator - especially on the weekends.  Chores, blah.  Laundry, blah.  Yard work, double blah.  

Well, in two days time I have gotten more done than I ever thought possible.  I've cooked some treats, cleaned the entire downstairs, done the laundry (from start to finish!), scrapbooked five pages for the baby's book, AND (drum roll, please)...have hand sewn two burp cloths.  I completely expect some of you to doubt the truth behind this claim, so I have proof.  Check out the picture of the burp cloths to the right.  Cute, right?!  I might even try a matching bib.  

I've got a whole list of other baby crafts and goodies I'd like to tackle.  With the weather as hot as it's been I need lots of indoor projects to keep me occupied.  A side note - it was 100 degrees today in Greensboro.  Ugh.  Some of the crafts on my list include custom-shape cut out bath time sponges, mini lamp shade night light, thank you cards, felt children's book, decorated wooden letters (baby's name) for wall of nursery.... to name a few.  I'll post photos as I make my way through the list. 

Let's just hope this nesting phase continues long enough to get some of this stuff done!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Quick Update

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday for a quick check-up.  And when I say quick, I mean 20 minutes in and out of the door!  Usually we wait longer than that just in the waiting room, so it was a nice surprise!  Blood pressure was back down around normal (yeah!) and have gained just a few more pounds - still right where the doc would like me to be so I'm pleased.  Other than that, he measured my belly for the height of the uterus - which now reaches well past my belly button.  WOW, huh?!  Baby girl's heartbeat was nice and strong.  She's been kicking up near my belly button now, which is cool because it's starting to get easier to feel from the outside. 

That's about all to report for now.  Just cruisin' right along.  We go back to the doctor July 2, then two weeks after that for the glucose screening.  Oh - and some of you have been asking.  We've registered at both Target and Baby's-R-Us.  Love to you all!